Calcium wave pacemakers in fertilized eggs of ascidians and mouse are assoc
iated with accumulations of cortical endoplasmic reticulurn in the vegetal
hemisphere. In ascidians, two distinct pacemakers (PM1 and PM2) generate tw
o series of calcium waves necessary to drive meiosis I and II. Pacemaker PM
2 is stably localized in a cortical ER accumulation situated in the vegetal
contraction pole. We now find that pacemaker PMI is situated in a cortical
ER-rich domain that forms around the sperm aster and moves with it during
the calcium-dependant cortical contraction triggered by the fertilizing spe
Global elevations of inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate (Ins(1,4,5)P-3) levels
produced by caged Ins(1,4,5)P-3 or caged glycero-myo-PtdIns(4,5)P-2 photoly
sis reveal that the cortex of the animal hemisphere, also rich in ER-cluste
rs, is the cellular region most sensitive to Ins(1,4,5)P-3 and acts as a th
ird type of pacemaker (PM3). Surprisingly, the artificial pacemaker PM3 pre
dominates over the natural pacemaker PM2, located at the opposite pole. Mic
rotubule depolymerization does not alter the activity nor the location of t
he three pacemakers. By contrast, blocking the actomyosin driven cortical c
ontraction with cytochalasin B prevents PM1 migration and inhibits PM2 acti
vity. PM3, however, is insensitive to cytochalasin B.
Our experiments suggest that the three distinct calcium wave pacemakers are
probably regulated by different spatiotemporal variations in Ins(1,4,5)P-3
concentration. In particular, the activity of the natural calcium wave pac
emakers PM1 and PM2 depends on the apposition of a cortical ER-rich domain
to a source of Ins(1,4,5)P-3 production in the cortex.