Motivated by the phenomena of blocked and zonal flows in Earth's atmosphere
, we conducted laboratory experiments and numerical simulations to study th
e dynamics of an eastward jet flowing over wavenumber-two topography. The l
aboratory experiments studied the dynamical behaviour of the flow in a baro
tropic rotating annulus as a function of the experimental Rossby and Ekman
numbers. Two distinct flow patterns, resembling blocked and zonal flows in
the atmosphere, were observed to persist for long time intervals.
Earlier model studies had suggested that the atmosphere's normally upstream
-propagating Rossby waves can resonantly lock to the underlying topography,
and that this topographic resonance separates zonal from blocked flows. In
the annulus, the zonal flows did indeed have super-resonant mean zonal vel
ocities, while the blocked flows appear subresonant. Low-frequency variabil
ity, periodic or irregular, was present in the measured time series of azim
uthal velocity in the blocked regime, with dominant periodicities in the ra
nge of 6-25 annulus rotations. Oscillations have also been detected in zona
l states, with smaller amplitude and similar frequency. In addition, over a
large region of parameter space the two flow states exhibited spontaneous,
intermittent transitions from the one to the other.
We numerically simulated the laboratory flow geometry in a quasi-geostrophi
c barotropic model over a similar range of parameters. Both flow regimes, b
locked and zonal, were reproduced in the simulations, with similar spatial
and temporal characteristics, including the low-frequency oscillations asso
ciated with the blocked flow. The blocked and zonal flow patterns are prese
nt over wide ranges of forcing, topographic height, and bottom friction. Fo
r a significant portion of parameter space, both model flows are stable. De
pending on the initial state, either the blocked or the zonal flow is obtai
ned and persists indefinitely, showing the existence of multiple equilibria