Diffusion of field line foot points in the photosphere couples with latitud
e-dependent solar rotation to define an eigenvalue problem, such that coron
al magnetic structures derived from certain specific linear combinations of
spherical harmonic functions are found to rotate rigidly about the Sun. Su
ch eigenmodes and their corresponding complex eigenfrequencies are readily
identified by diagonalizing progressively larger matrix representations of
the eigenvalue problem. For azimuthal harmonic number m = 1, the eigenvalue
with the least negative imaginary part (approximate to - 0.6 year(-1) for
footpoint diffusion coefficient D-perpendicular to = 600 km(2)s(-1) and oth
erwise roughly proportional to D-perpendicular to(1/2)) corresponds to an e
igenmode whose main component is the dipole (n = 1) moment perpendicular to
the Sun's rotation axis. Associated values of Re omega (1)(1) correspond t
o heliomagnetic rotation at 99.4% of the Sun's equatorial rate for D-perpen
dicular to = 600 km(2)s(-1) and otherwise to a retrograde deviation roughly
proportional to D-perpendicular to(1/2) from the Sun's equatorial rotation
rate. This eigenmode corresponds to the almost rigidly rotating coronal st
ructure found by Wang et al. [1988] in their numerical simulations of the c
oronal magnetic field. The associated heliospheric current sheet rotates al
most rigidly about the Sun despite the anchorage of adjacent field lines in
a differentially rotating photosphere. This particular eigenmode also corr
esponds most nearly to the nonaxial part of the tilted dipole in the helios
pheric model of Fisk [1996], whereby differential solar rotation leads to a
latitudinal circulation of field lines through the heliosphere and thus to
large-scale heliospheric convection.