Supersymmetric configurations of type-II D-branes with nonzero gauge field
strengths in general supersymmetric backgrounds with nonzero B fields are a
nalyzed using the kappa -symmetric worldvolume action. It is found in dimen
sion four or greater that the usual instanton equation for the gauge field
obtains a nonlinear deformation. The deformation is parameterized by the to
pological data of the B-field, the background geometry and the cycle wrappe
d by the brane. In the appropriate dimensions, limits and settings these eq
uations reduce to deformed instanton equations recently found in the contex
t of noncommutative geometry as well as those following from lagrangeans ba
sed on Bott-Chern forms. We further consider instantons comprised of M5-bra
nes wrapping a Calabi-Yau space with non-vanishing three-form field strengt
hs. It is shown that the instanton equations for the three-form are related
to the Kodaira-Spencer equations.