The occurrence of acidosis following trauma or other clinical conditions th
at require large volumes of resuscitation fluid may be modified by manipula
tion of the physical chemistry properties of substances within plasma. Thes
e include the strong ion difference, modification of hydrogen ion productio
n through control of alveolar ventilation, and protection/provision of prot
ein and phosphate-based weak acids. An understanding of these principles as
an alternative method to analyze/anticipate acid-base abnormalities is imp
ortant during resuscitation. Loss of protein-based weak acids may often occ
ur after trauma or other conditions requiring large-volume resuscitation. T
hese losses may potentially be replaced with albumin-based colloid solution
s. Large quantities of normal saline should be avoided so as to avoid hyper
chloremia-induced metabolic acidosis. Ringer's lactate solution is preferre
d. Alveolar ventilation must be adjusted so as to eliminate further hydroge
n ion production caused by hypercarbia. The serum base excess and/or hyperl
actemia have only limited value in diagnosing acidosis and guiding resuscit
ation. Current experimental data and reviews of this topic were obtained fr
om a Medline literature search. In addition. the personal experience and in
vestigations of the authors in critically ill and injured patients were use
d to formulate recommendations.