Mathematical models of dynamics employing exterior calculus are shown to be
mathematical representations of the same unifying principle; namely, the d
escription of a dynamic system with a characteristic differential one-form
on an odd-dimensional differentiable manifold leads, by analysis with exter
ior calculus, to a set of characteristic differential equations and a chara
cteristic tangent vector which define transformations of the system. This p
rinciple, whose origin is Arnold's use of exterior calculus to describe Ham
iltonian mechanics and geometric optics, is applied to irreversible thermod
ynamics and the dynamics of black holes, electromagnetism and strings. It i
s shown that "exterior calculus" models apply to systems for which the dire
ction of change is given by a characteristic tangent vector and "convention
al calculus" models apply to systems whose direction of change is arbitrary
. The relationship between the two types of models is shown to imply a tech
nical definition of equilibrium for a dynamic system.