In this article I discuss compensatory structure, a concept from Kohut's (1
971, 1977) psychology of the self that is not as familiar as Kohut's other
views about the self. Compensatory structures are attempts to repair selfob
ject failure, usually by strengthening idealization or twinship in the face
of mirroring deficits. Compensatory structures, particularly their early i
ndications, can be detected on projective tests for identifying adaptive re
sources and treatment potential. The clinical identification of compensator
y structures on test findings is described using Rorschach and Thematic App
erception Test (Murray, 1943) content. Particular attention is devoted to t
he 2-part process of demonstrating first, an injury to the self, and second
, how attempts to recover from such injuries can be detected on projective
tests. Clinical examples are provided, and the differentiation between comp
ensatory structures and defenses and sublimation is discussed.