A hydrostatic, primitive equation model with frontogenetical deformation fo
rcing is used to study the effects of surface friction on fronts passing ov
er a two-dimensional ridge. Surface friction is parameterized using a K-the
ory planetary boundary layer (BL) parameterization with implicitly defined
diffusion coefficients, following Keyser and Anthes. Previous studies witho
ut surface friction, such as Williams et al., show that a cold front weaken
s on the upwind slope and intensifies on the lee slope. This is in part due
to a superposition effect of mountain flow where colder temperatures exist
over the crest and in part due to the divergence pattern caused by the bas
ic flow over the mountain (divergence on the upwind slope and convergence o
n the lee slope). In Williams et al., the final intensity of a front after
passing a symmetric mountain is the same as a front moving over flat land.
For no-mountain simulations, the inclusion of the BL results in a more real
istic frontal structure and the frontal intensity is weaker than for the fr
ictionless front because weaker temperature gradients are created through v
ertical mixing. The same type of mixing acts to strengthen a cold front on
the upwind slope and weaken it on the downwind slope. The divergence forcin
g is also frontogenetic on the upwind slope and frontolyic on the lee slope
within the BL. The vertical mixing forcing is strongest near the top of BL
and weaker within the BL due to weak temperature gradient within the BL. T
he divergent forcing is strongest within the BL and weak at the top. When B
L effects are included, the final intensity of a front passing over a mount
ain is weaker than the front over flat topography.
The translation of the front is slightly slower with the BL because of the
overall reduced cross-frontal speed by surface friction. When moving over a
mountain, a front with the BL has a more uniform speed than the frictionle
ss front due to a more uniform flow within the BL.