Lead contamination of water is a major health hazard, as illustrated by the
fact that exposure to this metal has been associated with death and diseas
e in humans, birds, and animals. The present research was aimed at the deve
lopment of a porous, solid-phase sorbent that can be used in the remediatio
n of lead-contaminated water. A suitable sorbent was identified by screenin
g various clays and other materials for their ability to effectively bind l
ead. The clay was adhered to a solid support using an aqueous solution of c
arboxymethyl cellulose. The binary composite was then tested for its abilit
y to bind lead from solution, while providing void volume, increased surfac
e area, and considerably enhanced hydraulic conductivity. The results sugge
sted that a combination of sodium montmorillonite clay and carbon exhibited
enhanced sorption of lead compared to carbon alone, and also supported the
potential application of various combinations of sorbent materials. This v
alue-added combination of clay, solid support, and adhesive will allow for
the construction of column filtration systems that are multifunctional and
capable of purifying large volumes of contaminated water.