Background: Cardiovascular disorders including myocardial ischemia and hear
t failure have been described in both laboratory animals and humans followi
ng carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide cardiotoxicity may be clinica
lly occult and often remains undiagnosed because of the lack of overt sympt
oms and specific ischemic changes in the electrocardiogram Routine myocardi
al necrosis markers have low diagnostic efficiency, particularly in patient
s with concomitant skeletal muscle necrosis or multiple organ failure compl
icating carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide-induced cardiotoxicity h
as been investigated rarely in children. Case Report: This paper describes
carbon monoxide poisoning in a 12-year-old child who suffered from occult c
ardiac damage despite mild symptoms and low carboxyhemoglobin concentration
s. Myocardial and mitral valve dysfunctions were observed, suggesting an is
chemia-like syndrome. Cardiac damage was completely reversible within 1 mon
th. Conclusion: This case report supports that a prolonged carbon monoxide
exposure can cause cardiac damage in children even in the absence of specif
ic symptoms, cerebral failure and high carboxyhemoglobin concentrations.