The Australopithecus-bearing of Koro Toro in central Chad yielded at least
9 species of bovids (Ruminantia: Bovidae). They all belong to genera found
in North and/or East Africa, but three new species are named. Kobus korotor
ensis, sp. nov. is quite distinct from East African species, and is probabl
y an early offshoot from primitive Reduncines. Kobus tchadensis, sp. nov. i
s more like some East African forms. Parmularius pachyceras, sp. nov. shoul
d rather be compared with a North African species. This relative endemism h
inders precise biochronological correlation, but the best fit is in the ran
ge 2.7-3.4 Ma. The lack of Tragelaphines, and an abundance of Reduncines, A
lcelaphines and Antilopines definitely points towards an open environment,
that was drier than most East African sites of this age.