Chromium is an essential dietary trace mineral involved in carbohydrate and
lipid metabolism Chromium is required for cellular uptake of glucose, and
chromium deficiency causes insulin resistance. Chromium supplementation may
improve insulin sensitivity and has been used as adjunct treatment of diab
etes mellitus in humans. In this study, 13 dogs with naturally acquired dia
betes mellitus were treated with insulin for 3 months, then with insulin an
d chromium picolinate for 3 months. Dogs weighing < 15 kg (33 lb; n = 9) we
re administered 200 mug of chromium picolinate PO once daily for 1 month, t
hen 200 mug of chromium picolinate twice daily for 2 months. Dogs weighing
> 15 kg (n = 4) received 200 mug of chromium picolinate once daily for 2 we
eks, then 200 mug twice daily for 2 weeks, then 400 mug twice daily for 2 m
onths. Type of insulin, frequency of insulin administration, and diet were
kept constant, and insulin dosage was adjusted, as needed, to maintain opti
mal control of glycemia. Mean body weight, daily insulin dosage, daily calo
ric intake, 10-hour mean blood glucose concentration, blood glycated hemogl
obin concentration, and serum fructosamine concentration were not markedly
different when dogs were treated with insulin and chromium picolinate, comp
ared with insulin alone. Adverse effects were not identified with chromium
picolinate administration. Results of this study suggest that, at a dosage
range of 20-60 mug/kg/d, chromium picolinate caused no beneficial or harmfu
l effects in insulin-treated diabetic dogs.