A simple pendulum whose pivot executes harmonic motion in the vertical dire
ction is a prototype for systems subjected to parametric excitation. Forced
excitation of this system is represented as a harmonically varying torque
whose frequency is taken to be arbitrary. The investigation explores whethe
r, for specified values of the natural frequency and the excitation frequen
cy, it is possible to select an amplitude and frequency for the parametric
excitation such that the pendulum's vibratory rotation is reduced. The anal
ysis supplements numerical integration of the equation of motion with a Fou
rier series analysis suitable to situations where the parametric frequency
is a multiple of the forcing frequency. Studies of the behavior for excitat
ion frequencies close to, and far from, the natural frequency lead to a gen
eral guideline for selecting the parametric excitation. It is shown that, w
ith judicious selection of the parametric amplitude, a parametric frequency
that is very high relative to the highest contemplated excitation frequenc
y can substantially reduce the forced response at any lower excitation freq