Among nine Harpellales (Trichomycetes) reported from aquatic insect larvae
collected in Newfoundland, Canada, four new species are described: Harpello
myces abruptus [living in Thaumalea verralli (Diptera: Thaumaleidae)], Orph
ella avalonensis [in Letactra ferruginea (Plecoptera: Leuctridae)], Stachyl
ina litoralis [in Telmatogeton japonicus (Diptera: Chironomidae)], and an u
nnamed species of Smittium (in Chironomidae) from which an axenic culture w
as obtained. Other Harpellales were from Simuliidae (Harpella melusinae, Pe
nnella simulii, Simuliomyces microsporus), Chironomidae (Stachylina robusta
), and an unnamed new genus in caddis fly larvae (Trichoptera). Low vagilit
y of Plecoptera and the occurrence of different species of Orphella in the
USA and Europe suggest that the genus existed before the North Atlantic fun
ned a barrier as the continents separated. It is hypothesized that vicarian
t speciation may have occurred in Orphella as well as in Harpellomyces from
Thaumaleidae larvae.