The phytotoxicity of herbicides (11 combinations, in each case 3 'split' po
st-emergence sprayings) applied in the early growth stage of sugar beet wer
e studied. The trial was established on 2 sites in a statistical design (4
replication in a logic block). Phytotoxicity and thinning effects were eval
uated in the field, while yield and sugar content were measured in the labo
ratory, after which sugar yield data were calculated.
Sugar beet is very sensitive to in the herbicide application early growth s
tage, while increased doses of certain herbicide products, such as BETANAL
PROGRESS OF = Phenmedipham 91 g/l + Desmedipham 71 g/l + Ethofumesate 112 g
/l and DEBUT (UPBEET)= Triflusulfuron-methyl 50% might damage the crop. The
application rate of GOLTIX = Metamitron 70 WG can even be tripled without
decreasing the sugar yield.