Purpose: To report the clinicopathologic features of a 17-year-old patient
with primary Ewing sarcoma of the orbit.
Methods: The patient was evaluated clinically before surgery with computed
tomography scans of the orbit. After surgery the patient was staged with co
mputed tomography scans and bone scan and was treated with systemic chemoth
erapy and radiation therapy to the orbit. The orbital biopsy was evaluated
with conventional light microscopy and immunohistochemistry.
Results: Clinical evaluation revealed proptosis and limited upgaze. Compute
d tomography scans disclosed a mass involving the superior orbit, anterior
cranial fossa, and temporal fossa. Microscopic examination revealed small,
poorly differentiated cells with medium-sized nuclei containing finely gran
ular chromatin and small nucleoli. The cytoplasmic borders of the cells wer
e indistinct. A PAS stain revealed modest glycogen in many of the tumor cal
ls. The tumor stained positive for O-13 and vimentin and was negative for n
eural, skeletal, and lymphoid cell markers. Computed, tomography scan, bone
scan, and blood chemistries revealed no other site of involvement. After t
reatment, the clinical symptoms and signs resolved, and there has been no e
vidence of residual orbital tumor or metastasis.
Conclusions: Primary Ewing sarcoma of the orbit should be considered in the
differential diagnosis of children or young adults with proptosis, diplopi
a, or periorbital swelling. Immunohistochemistry is essential to distinguis
h Ewing sarcoma from other small round cell tumors.