The acoustoelectric current for composite fermions in a two-dimensional ele
ctron gas (2DEG) close to the half-filled Landau level is calculated in the
random phase approximation. The Boltzmann equation is used to find the non
equilibrium distribution of composite fermions to second order in the acous
tic field. It is shown that the oscillating Chern-Simons field created by t
he induced density fluctuations in the 2DEG is important for the acoustoele
ctric current. This leads to a violation of the Weinreich relation between
the acoustoelectric current and acoustic intensity. The deviations from the
Weinreich relation can be detected by measuring the angle between the long
itudinal and the Hall components of the acoustoelectric current. This depar
ture from the Weinreich relation gives additional information on the proper
ties of the composite fermion fluid.