Unusual electronic states are found for gold-induced chain and ladder struc
tures on vicinal Si(lll) surfaces, such as Si(111)5x2-Au and Si(557)-Au. As
two-dimensional reference the Si(111)root 3x root3-Au surface is investiga
ted. The highly stepped Si(557)-Au surface is metallic, despite an even ele
ctron count. That is explained by two half-filled, nearly degenerate bands.
On the Si(111)5x2-Au surface we find a band that changes continuously from
one dimensional at its maximum to two dimensional at its minimum. It exhib
its a pseudogap within 0.3 eV of the Fermi level E-F, where the spectral we
ight is strongly reduced. Si(111)root3 x root3-Au exhibits an electron pock
et at Gamma that changes its filling continuously with increasing Au covera