This article analyses the diversity of public organizations focusing o
n variations in their degree of publicness. We define 'publicness' as
organizational attachment to public sector values: for example, due pr
ocess, accountability, and welfare provision. Based on a survey of Dan
ish public organizations, we show that organizations with a high degre
e of publicness differ from organizations with a low degree of publicn
ess. The former are characterized by complex tasks, professional orien
tation, many external stakeholders, conflicting environmental demands,
and low managerial autonomy. The latter are the opposite. We explore
in detail both the relationship between the organizations and their pa
rent ministries and their responses to organizational change. Organiza
tions with a high degree of publicness are subject to a tight minister
ial control and have formal and distant relations with the ministry. T
hey also have strong vertical links, externally and internally. High i
nternal control is the joint product of ministerial control and the st
ress on the public sector value of rule compliance. All organizations
ranked high on publicness are reluctant to adopt organizational change
s stemming from the 'New Public Management'. Again, organizations with
a low degree of publicness are the opposite, keen to adopt new ideas.
We show that degree of publicness matters, across both functional typ
es of organizations and policy sectors. Finally, we discuss alternativ
e theoretical explanations of publicness drawn from contingency theory
and the new institutionalism.