The effect of physiological status (e.g. pregnancy and lactation) on the su
sceptibility to gastrointestinal nematodes was studied in the Dodoma and Ki
goma strains of small East African goats in Morogoro. Forty-six pregnant do
es (19 Dodoma and 27 Kigoma strain) and 123 non-pregnant/dry (68 Dodoma and
55 Kigoma) from a controlled-breeding programme were used. Does were graze
d on naturally contaminated pastures at Sokoine University of Agriculture f
or 8 months. Faecal samples and whole blood for determination of faecal egg
counts (FEC), packed-cell volume (PCV) and blood eosinophils (EOS) from ea
ch animal were collected at monthly intervals from the mating period (throu
gh the gestation period) to 3 months after kidding. From kidding to 3 month
s after kidding, lactating does had significantly higher FEC than non-lacta
ting/dry does. From 1 month after kidding to 3 months after kidding, lactat
ing does had significantly lower PCV than dry does. Blood eosinophils were
higher in non-lactating/dry does than lactating does but only significant a
t 3 months after kidding. There were no significant differences in FEC, PCV
and EOS between lactating Dodoma and lactating Kigoma does. We concluded t
hat there was no difference in peri-parturient helminthosis between Dodoma
and Kigoma strains and that blood eosinophilia decreased during peri-partur
ient helminthosis in both strains. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All right
s reserved.