Family life is changing worldwide and an increasing number of women are cho
osing single parenthood. Adolescents who become pregnant and early childbea
rers do not always become pregnant unintentionally; some actively plan preg
nancy while others are ambivalent mainly about the timing. This paper repor
ts on a study using an ethnographic approach that explored the mothering ex
periences of five sole-supporting Australian teenage mothers who had a chil
d over six months of age. It focuses on the story of one of them, a young w
omen who gave birth at 16 and set up home for herself and her son. Early ch
ildbearing is often a response to adverse social conditions such as poverty
or homelessness and is not uncommonly chosen by teenage girls from sociall
y deprived backgrounds. Educational and employment opportunities may be lim
ited, whilst motherhood may provide a purpose in life when few other option
s are possible. Young women who make this choice need comprehensive service
s to support them in the parenting role, including appropriate health care,
welfare and housing benefits, and support in dealing with parenting, a rol
e which they may greatly desire but are not automatically well prepared for