This paper describes the effects that nasal dilators have on olfactory abil
ity. Experimental results demonstrate that nasal dilators increase odorant
identification, lower odorant threshold, and increase perceptual odorant in
tensity. In other experiments, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data demons
trates that the size of The nasal cavity especially around the region of th
e nasal valve is increased when nasal dilators are worn Additionally, pneum
otachograph data demonstrates that during a sniff the peak flow, maximum f
low rate, volume, and duration are all increased when nasal dilators are wo
rn. Taken together; the increase in olfactory ability can most easily be ex
plained by an increase in both the amount and the proportion of inspired od
orant molecules that are directed to the olfactory mucosa and are, therefor
e available for odorant perception.