We report three cases of spinal osteoblastoma with ossification of the liga
mentum flavum (OLF) adjacent to the tumor. The patients in this report, all
young adults, had no symptoms except for back pain. Computed tomography (C
T) demonstrated a typical radiolucent nidus in the spinal pedicle/lamina wi
th a dense sclerotic rim. In addition, ectopic bone formation at the insert
ion point of the ligamentum flavum adjacent to the tumor was clearly illust
rated. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed the tumor and surrounding
inflammatory responses, but OLF was not detected clearly. Histological exam
ination revealed endochondral ossification of the ligamentum flavum that is
quite unusual for normal young adults. Immunohistochemical assays in one c
ase demonstrated that bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2/4 was expressed in
the osteoblastic tumor cells. This case raises the possibility that BMPs s
ecreted from the tumor cells triggered ectopic ossification in the spinal l