This contribution treats the fundamental and practical aspects of the analy
sis of interfaces between metals and ceramic materials. It is shown that, i
n principle at least, it is possible to assess the bond strength by investi
gating the atomic structure of the dislocation cores. We have chosen to exe
mplify our approach with the misfit-dislocation structures at two, crystall
ographically different, systems, i.e. cube-on-cube and cube-on-non cube int
erfaces. It turns out that from high-resolution transmission electron micro
scopy observations in combination with computer modelling studies a qualita
tive insight can be obtained about the bonding behaviour between these diss
imilar materials. In general we may conclude that there is a fair correlati
on between the atomistic and linear elastic continuum description of interf
ace dislocations. However, it is shown that the linear elastic continuum ap
proach cannot account for the possible configurations at an interface with
misfit, because it does not include the effects of different bonding streng
ths on the interface structure. This contribution directs also to some futu
re experimental work. Segregation of other elements might affect the local
bond strength which may become manifest in the experimental observations of
atomic structure. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.