Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a very common cause of hospitalizatio
n and surgery is currently the most effective therapy. MAP kinases (MAPKs)
are a group of protein kinases with an important function in integrating ph
ysiological and pathological stimuli that might impact on cellular growth,
differentiation and programmed cell death (apoptosis). Certain components o
f the MAPK signal-transduction pathways are involved in stimulus-specific f
ine-tuning of the activities mediated by the various MAPK families. As home
ostasis is impaired in the hyperplastic prostate, aberrant coordination of
the MAPK cascades might be implicated in a proliferative-apoptotic imbalanc
e. Here, we hypothesize that the pathogenesis of BPH might be facilitated b
y functional anomalies in the MAPK circuitry and postulate that pharmacolog
ical 'rewiring' of MAPK pathways offers a potentially exciting new avenue f
or improved therapeutic control of clinical BPH.