This paper studies transient sound radiation from planar pistons with unifo
rm source signal distribution in rigid and pressure release baffles and use
s a model with a plane wave term plus an edge wave term. In [H. D. Mair, L.
Bresse, D. A. Hutchins, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 84 (1988) 1517-1525], analytic
expressions were derived for the edge wave term. Here, a modified version
is presented which restates the edge wave term as being generated by edge s
ources for which analytic directivity functions are derived. These directiv
ity functions offer further qualitative insight into the concept of a pisto
n edge wave and makes efficient numerical implementations possible. Numeric
al implementations are discussed and it is shown that discrete-time represe
ntations of the impulse responses can be found via an efficient integration
along the edge segments. The sound radiation from a circular piston is stu
died and the on- and off-axis sound field is calculated using both analytic
al expressions and the edge source model with the circle approximated by a
polygonal shape. Excellent agreement results, even for the transients which
correspond to singularities in the analytic expressions.