New masses of eight asteroids: (6) Hebe, (10) Hygiea, (15) Eunomia, (52) Eu
ropa, (88) Thisbe, (444) Gyptis, (511) Davida, and (704) Interamnia, were d
etermined. In most cases, the masses were calculated by means of the least-
squares method as the weighted means of the values found separately from th
e perturbations on several single asteroids. Encounters suitable for determ
ination of masses of these asteroids were found from the extensive search f
or large asteroidal perturbations exerted by massive asteroids on 4500 numb
ered minor planets. Most of the encounters found within the search had neve
r before been used for mass determinations. The masses of Hebe, Hygiea, Eun
omia, Europa, Thisbe, Gyptis, Davida and Interamnia were determined from pe
rturbations on, respectively, 2, 8, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2 and 3 asteroids. As an ou
tcome of the search for possible perturbers among the 912 largest asteroids
, we propose and use correct dynamical models including important perturber
s for all asteroids under consideration. For all new asteroid masses, the i
nfluence of the variation of the masses of asteroids in the dynamical model
is investigated. A discussion on individual mass determinations is also pr