AA* indices of values greater than 60 10(-9) Tesla are considered in order
to characterize geomagnetic storms since the available series of these indi
ces comprise the years from 1868 to 1998 (the longest existing interval of
geomagnetic activity). By applying the precursor technique we have performe
d an analysis of the storm periods and the solar activity, obtaining a good
correlation between the number of storms (a) (characterized by the AA* ind
ices) and the amplitudes of each solar cycle (zeta) and those of the next (
mu). Using the multiple regression method applied to alpha = A + B zeta + C
mu, the constants are calculated and the values found are: A = 33 +/- 18,
B = 0.74 +/- 0.13 and C = 0.56 +/- 0.13.
The present statistical method indicates that the current solar cycle (numb
er 23) would have an upper limit of 202 +/- 57 monthly mean sunspots. This
value indicates that the solar activity would be high causing important eff
ects on the Earth's environment.