Regulation of I kappaB alpha during activation was examined using EGFP. Sin
gle cell analysis showed that both localisation- and cytokine-induced degra
dation of I kappaB alpha are dependent on expression levels. Cells expressi
ng higher levels of the inhibitor demonstrated an increase in nuclear I kap
paB alpha EGFP with a pronounced enhancement in the nuclear/cytoplasmic rat
io. Enhancing the levels of the endogenous I kappaB alpha by relA transfect
ion caused significant reduction in IL-1-mediated degradation of the fusion
protein. Similarly, I kappaB alpha EGFP-transfected cells showed an invers
e correlation between the level of the fusion protein and IL-1-mediated deg
radation. Comparing absolute levels demonstrated a biphasic response, with
reduction in cells expressing over 15-fold that of endogenous levels. Furth
er experiments using Western analysis showed a positive correlation between
both phosphorylation and ubiquitination of I kappaB alpha EGFP, and the le
vel the inhibitor. In contrast, and in agreement with the single cell analy
sis, while IL-1 stimulation caused the expected degradation at lower levels
of the fusion protein, breakdown of I kappaB alpha EGFP was totally inhibi
ted at the higher transfection levels. The data show that turnover of I kap
paB alpha is saturable and suggest that limitation of the pathway by enhanc
ed inhibitor expression is regulated through a post phosphorylation/ubiquit
ination event, at the level of degradation. (C) 2001 Academic Press.