Natural hybridization threatens a substantial number of plant and animal sp
ecies with extinction, but extinction risk bas been difficult to evaluate i
n the absence of a quantitative assessment of risk factors. We investigated
a number of ecological parameters likely to affect extinction risk, throug
h an individual-based model simulating the life cycle of two hybridizing an
nual plant species. All parameters tested, ranging from population size to
variance in pollen-tube growth rates, affected extinction risk. The sensiti
vity of each parameter varied dramatically across parameter sets, but, over
all, the competitive ability, initial frequency, and selfing rate of the na
tive taxon had the strongest effect on extinction. In addition, prezygotic
reproductive barriers bad a stronger influence on extinction rates than did
postzygotic barriers. A stable hybrid zone was possible only when habitat
differentiation was included In the model. When there was no habitat differ
entiation, either one of the parental species or the hybrids eventually dis
placed the other two taxa. Tbe simulations demonstrated that hybridization
is perhaps the most rapidly acting genetic threat to endangered species, wi
th extinction often taking place in less than five generations. The simulat
ion model was also applied to naturally hybridizing species pairs for which
considerable genetic and ecological information is available. The predicti
ons from these "worked examples" are in close agreement with observed outco
mes and further suggest that an endemic coragrass species is threatened by
hybridization. These simulations provide guidance concerning the kinds of d
ata required to evaluate extinction risk and possible conservation strategi