Ladyfish, Elops saurus, are recognized as an estuarine-dependent species, a
lthough no published study has described how ladyfish use estuarine habitat
s. This study found ladyfish to be common throughout Tampa Bay and Indian R
iver Lagoon, Florida. In both estuaries, metamorphosing larvae were collect
ed during several months of the year, but they were most abundant in spring
. Length-frequency analyses suggested that age-0 ladyfish grew from 20-30 m
m to 200-300 min standard length during their first year and that at least
three age classes were present throughout the year. Age-0 ladyfish followed
an ontogenetic migration with regard to salinity, They entered estuaries a
s metamorphosing larvae and became concentrated in waters of lower than med
ian salinity for both estuaries (23-25 ppt). In Tampa Bay, which had a grea
ter range of salinity than the Indian River Lagoon, age-0 ladyfish were fou
nd principally in mesohaline and oligohaline areas; in the Indian River Lag
oon, age-0 ladyfish were found in mesohaline and polyhaline waters. In autu
mn, age-0 ladyfish moved back to higher salinities, into lower parts of the
estuaries, and even out to beaches along the Gulf of Mexico. These field o
bservations are consistent with the hypothesis that ladyfish depend on estu
aries, specifically positive estuaries, i.e. where freshwater input exceeds
evaporative processes. However, published studies also demonstrate that la
rval ladyfish can metamorphose and juveniles can survive in hypersaline wat
ers; therefore negative estuaries may also serve as suitable nursery habita
t. It is not clear how salinity affects ladyfish growth and mortality, and
further research should clarify how different types of estuaries (i.e. posi
tive versus negative) contribute to maintaining populations of this fishery