Flood plains comprise over 12% of the lowland Peruvian Amazon, and they are
economically important in agriculture, fishing, hunting, forestry and extr
action of other forest products. Some special features of the flood plains
are outlined and their implications for land-use are interpreted. A close i
nteraction exists between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, implying that
management needs to consider effects on both systems. By nature the flood
plains are adapted to large perturbations, indicating that rough management
interventions can be carried out, but only a limited proportion of each ha
bitat is disturbed by nature at a time, suggesting that simultaneous profou
nd large-scale interventions in certain habitats should be avoided. The hig
h fertility of flood plain soils and periodical sedimentation hint that the
risk of soil nutrient depletion is limited. The flood plain production pot
ential is relatively high, although it varies much according to patterns of
flooding and drainage, stressing the need to provide information on the ge
ographic variation in these environmental factors. The culture and organisa
tion of flood plain inhabitants is dynamic, and a patron system dominate in
many economic activities. Few regulations control the access to and use of
the flood plain natural resources, and no permanent tenure rights can be i
ssued for flood plain land. This emphasises the need to promote adapted org
anisations and institutions, and to develop a land tenure system fostering
incentives for management working on a long-term perspective. It was found
that sustained timber production in the natural flood plain forests can hav
e net present values (NTFPs) up to US$ 250 per ha without accounting for gr
owth enhancing effects. On the average the extraction value of non-timber f
orest products (NTFPs) was low, but certain habitats generated high economi
c benefits constituting a major part of the economy of many flood plain hou
seholds. Domestication has a high potential and agroforestry is already wid
espread, but effects of flooding, bad drainage and risk of erosion by the r
iver current are impediments to successful intensive land-use systems. Soci
o-economic distortions can be risked if land suited for agricultural subsis
tence production is gradually taken over by agriculturalists focusing on la
rge-scale commercial production. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V All rights r