Background: Anthroposophical Therapeutic Speech uses poems and exercises wh
ich typically induce rhythmical breathing. Speaking influences respiration
and thus directly heart rate variability (HRV), in particular via respirato
ry sinus arrhythmia which, together with the slower rhythms of HRV, may be
regarded as an indicator of sympathovagal balance, In chronomedicine numero
us frequency ratios between physiological rhythms, especially in trophotrop
ic phases, have been established. Integer ratios occur frequently and seem
to be associated with the optimization of physiological processes. In large
r groups the average pulse respiration quotient is about 4:1. Question: Can
systematic effects on HRV, and thus on autonomic balance, be established t
hrough special speech therapy? Subjects and Methods: In two trained therapi
sts and 7 untrained subjects the influence of different speech exercises an
d texts on HRV was investigated. With untrained subjects a total of 105 one
-hour sessions, divided into speech and control exercises, was performed. T
he overall well-being and quality of well-being were assessed with question
naires. Control evaluations were made in the same setting. Results: As a si
multaneous effect, during speech exercises and texts typical intra- and int
er-individually reproducible patterns in heart rate variability were observ
ed. Reciting poems with a hexameter metric generates 2 oscillations with a
2:1 frequency ratio in the HRV spectrum. As immediate effects there were a
significant drop in heart rate after speech sessions as well as a strengthe
ning of vagus-related HRV parameters, especially after hexameter exercises.
In comparison to control sessions the subjects felt significantly better,
too. The different metric and poetic character of the texts was reflected c
learly in the results.