Background/Aims: The role of lactate in liver ischemia-reperfusion injury i
n cirrhosis has not been clarified.
Methodology: One hundred patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who underwe
nt partial liver resection under Pringle's maneuver were included in this s
tudy. Blood lactate was measured before the operation, three times during t
he surgery and on the first postoperative day to calculate its rate of accu
mulation or elimination. Aminotransferase levels were also recorded periope
ratively. We calculated the rate of lactate accumulation during the pre-isc
hemic and ischemic phases and the elimination rate during the post-ischemic
phase, and examined the correlation between these results and the clinical
Results: The rate of lactate accumulation during the pre-ischemic and ische
mic phases was correlated with the preoperative indocyanine green retention
rate (P=0.04 and P=0.004, respectively). The indocyanine green retention r
ate tended to be correlated with the rate of lactate elimination during the
postischemic phase (P=0.06).
Conclusions: The blood lactate profile might be a reliable indicator of liv
er function during the perioperative period in cirrhotic patients who under
go liver resection with Pringle's maneuver.