Purpose. Severe diarrhea can represent a dose-limiting toxicity with the us
e of CPT-11. Conventional therapy is ineffective in some patients and is al
so limited by patient compliance. We report our observation on the effectiv
eness of octreotide acetate in the treatment of CPT-11-induced diarrhea ref
ractory to opioids. Patients and methods. We describe 4 patients with metas
tatic gastrointestinal tumors who developed severe diarrhea following treat
ment with CPT-11 (65-125 mg/m(2)/weekly for 4 weeks every 6 weeks). Diarrhe
a was refractory to treatment with loperamide and diphenoxylate and was tre
ated with octreotide acetate. Results. Complete resolution of diarrhea was
observed within 2-4 days of octreotide acetate treatment. Three patients re
sponded to SC octreotide given every 8 hours and the 4(th) patient to octre
otide given by continuous SC infusion. Conclusions. Our preliminary observa
tion suggests value of octreotide in the control of CPT-11 induced refracto
ry diarrhea. Prospective studies are warranted.