We invert geodetic measurements of coseismic deformation from the 1989
M(S)7.1 Loma Prieta earthquake to determine the geometry of the fault
and the distribution of slip on the fault plane. The data include ele
ctronic distance measurements, Global Positioning System and very long
baseline interferometry vectors, and elevation changes derived from s
pirit leveling. The fault is modeled as a rectangular dislocation surf
ace in a homogeneous, elastic half-space. First, we assume that the sl
ip on the fault is uniform and estimate the position, orientation, and
size of the fault plane using a nonlinear, quasi-Newton algorithm. Th
e best fitting dislocation strikes N48 degrees +/- 4 degrees W and dip
s 76 degrees +/- 9 degrees SW, consistent with the trend of the afters
hock zone and moment tenser solutions. Bootstrap resampling of the dat
a is used to graphically illustrate the uncertainty in the location of
the rupture plane. The 95% confidence envelope overlaps the aftershoc
k zone, arguing that there is not a significant discrepancy between th
e geodetic data and the aftershock locations. Second, we estimate the
slip distribution using the best fitting uniform slip fault orientatio
n but increase the fault length to 40 km and the downdip width to 18 k
m. The fault is divided into 162 subfaults, 18 along strike and 9 alon
g dip. Each subfault is allowed to have constant right-lateral and rev
erse components of slip. We then solve for the slip on each subfault t
hat minimizes a linear combination of the norm of the weighted data re
sidual and the roughness of the slip distribution. The smoothing param
eter, which determines the relative weight put on fitting the data ver
sus smoothing the slip distribution, is chosen by cross validation. Si
mulations indicate that cross-validation estimates of the smoothing pa
rameter are nearly optimal. The preferred slip distribution is very he
terogeneous, with maximum strike slip and dip slip of about 5 and 8 m,
respectively, located roughly 10 km north of the hypocenter. There is
insignificant dip slip in the southeastern most part of the fault, ca
using the rake to vary from nearly pure right-lateral in the southeast
to oblique right-reverse in the northwest. The change in rake is cons
istent with a uniform stress field if the fault dip increases by about
10 degrees toward the southeast, as indicated by the aftershock locat
ions. There was little slip above 4 km depth, consistent with the obse
rvation that there was little, if any, surface rupture.