According to classical utility theory the valuation of any lottery should d
epend only on its outcomes and their respective probabilities, and should n
ot be affected by the nature, complexity and structure of the chance mechan
ism. Previous research has documented systematic violations of this princip
le. For example, most subjects prefer lotteries in which the payoffs are co
ntingent on the joint occurrence of multiple (high probability) events to s
imple lotteries, and lotteries in which the earlier stages offer higher pro
babilities than the later stages. We review the various violations of this
principle and suggest a classification into two major types associated with
misunderstanding of chance mechanisms and attitude towards the chance mech
anism and process. In the present study 40 subjects were presented with 30
pairs of binary gambles. In any given pair the lotteries had identical outc
omes and equal 'reduced' probabilities (and thus equal expected values). Ho
wever, the chance mechanisms varied along a variety of factors such as the
size of the sample space, the number of stages, temporal ordering, order of
probabilities, their transparency and time constraints. Half the subjects
saw lotteries involving gains and the other half considered only losses. Af
ter choosing one lottery in each pair, the subjects were asked to explain a
nd justify their choices. The findings revealed systematic violations of th
e reducibility principle: subjects displayed a preference for lotteries wit
h larger sample spaces, and for lotteries that allow quicker resolutions in
the earlier stages. A clear distinction between some patterns of preferenc
es in the gains and loss domains was revealed. In gambles involving gains s
ubjects preferred to have the highest probability on the first stage (and t
he lowest probability on the last stage), but displayed the opposite prefer
ences for losses. A content analysis of the subjects' stated reasons for th
eir choices identified eight major categories. The most frequently invoked
were hope, fun, simplicity, stress and time. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley
& Sons, Ltd.