Background. The Goals for Health project is designed to change the cancer-r
elated behaviors of tobacco use and dietary fat and fiber consumption. The
intervention teaches health and life skills to rural, minority sixth and se
venth graders in rural Virginia and New York. This article presents the res
ults of the pilot. Methods. Participants were 129 sixth graders at one rura
l middle school who were surveyed prior to and following delivery of the pi
lot sixth-grade intervention, Results. Results include significant changes
from pre- to post-intervention in several diet and smoking attitude and sel
f-efficacy variables, dietary fat and fiber knowledge, high-fat snack consu
mption, and dietary fat scores. Multivariate analyses reveal important cont
ributions of personal control over food choices and family and friend influ
ence on change in dietary fat score from pre- to post-intervention. Conclus
ions. These pilot program results suggest avenues for dietary and cancer pr
evention interventions in high-risk, rural adolescents.