Background: Autism spectrum disorders are characterized by core deficits in
social interaction and speech/communication skills, repetitive behaviors,
and restricted interests. Other abnormalities include seizures, electroence
phalograph ic (EEG) abnormalities, affective instability, impulsivity, and
aggression. Divalproex sodium is indicated as both an anticonvulsant in epi
lepsy and a mood stabilizer in bipolar illness and thus might be useful for
these complicating symptoms in autism.
Method: A retrospective pilot study was conducted to determine whether diva
lproex sodium was effective in treating core dimensions and associated feat
ures of autism. Fourteen patients who met DSM-IV criteria for autism, Asper
ger's disorder, or pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified
, both with and without a history of seizure disorders or EEG abnormalities
, were openly treated with divalproex sodium. Improvement was assessed via
the Clinical Global Impressions-Improvement scale.
Results: Of 14 patients who completed a trial of divalproex sodium, 10 (71%
) were rated as having sustained response to treatment. The mean dose of di
valproex sodium was 768 mg/day (range, 125-2500 mg/day), and it was general
ly well tolerated. Improvement was noted in core symptoms of autism and ass
ociated features of affective instability, impulsivity, and aggression.
Conclusion: Divalproex sodium may be beneficial to patients with autism spe
ctrum disorders, particularly those with associated features of affective i
nstability, impulsivity, and aggression as well as those with a history of
EEG abnormalities or seizures. Of note, all patients with an abnormal EEG a
nd/or seizure history were rated as responders. However, these findings mus
t be interpreted with caution, given the open retrospective nature of the s
tudy. Controlled trials are needed to replicate these preliminary findings.