A theoretical model of medium-density polydisperse magnetic fluids is propo
sed. The model takes into account that the major fraction of particles in t
ypical ferrofluids is characterized by a magnetic core diameter of about 10
nm. In addition, there is a certain proportion of large particles with a c
ore diameter of about 16 nm. As a result of the magnetic dipole interaction
, the large particles form chain aggregates. Small particles, for which the
magnetic dipole interaction energy (both with each other and with large pa
rticles) is smaller than the thermal energy, remain in the individual nonag
gregated state. The distribution of chains with respect to the number of (l
arge) particles and some rheological characteristics of the ferrofluids are
determined. The proposed model is capable of explaining, in principle, the
giant magnetoviscosity effect and a strong dependence of the rheological p
roperties of ferrofluids on the shear rate observed in some recent experime
nts. (C) 2001 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica".