Distraction and relaxation have been controlled in previous studies as poss
ible mechanisms for the effectiveness of mirthful laughter in coping with p
ain and discomfort. The purpose of this study is to control expectation of
benefit from laughter. Discomfort thresholds for a blood pressure cuff at t
he upper dominant arm were recorded immediately before and after exposure t
o either a humorous or a relaxation video. Instructional sets led participa
nts to believe that the video would either increase or decrease their sensi
tivity to discomfort. A 5th group watched the humorous video without manipu
lation of expectation. All participants completed A. Ziv's (1979) Sense of
Humor Questionnaire (SHQZ). Humor and relaxation videos raised discomfort t
hresholds, and the effect of both video types was enhanced by expectations.
Humorous personality trait (SHQZ) did not moderate effects. The larger iss
ue of whether mirthful laughter has any unique benefit for pain or discomfo
rt control beyond the effects of relaxation, distraction, or expectation is