Observations of the biological effective solar ultraviolet irradiance, made
by instrumentation flown on a Falcon aircraft over the entire Greek area,
from the sea up to the tropopause level, obtained in the frame of the Radia
tion Field in the Troposphere - Scientific Training and Access to Aircraft
for Atmospheric Research Throughout Europe project, are presented to discus
s among others its altitude dependence. The experimental data of the biolog
ical effective solar UV irradiance as a function of height, throughout the
troposphere, showed an average increase of about 7.2 +/-1.2% km(-1), which
is in close agreement with the theoretically derived one, by using an appro
priate algorithm, providing the biological effective solar UV irradiance at
various altitudes from the Earth's surface. This increase rate has also be
en compared with the burden ozone content at each height level as it was de
rived from ozone concentration measurements obtained by both balloon ascent
s and the aircraft's instrumentation. This comparison showed a strong antic
orrelation (correlation coefficient r=-0.98) between the biological effecti
ve solar UV irradiance and the integrated ozone content above each height l
evel corresponding to 0.25% increase in UV per 1 Dobson Unit (1DU=0.001 atm
cm) decrease in total ozone column, approximately.