Anisotropic wet chemical etching of silicon in alkaline solutions is a key
technology in the fabrication of sensors and actuators. In this technology
etching through masks is used for fast and reproducible shaping of micromec
hanical structures. Experimentally it has been found that near the junction
between a slowly etching Si(111) surface and a mask, etching can be influe
nced by etch pit nucleation at this junction. In this paper the influence o
f the presence of such a junction on the etch rate and the surface topology
is investigated by means of Monte Carlo simulations of etching of the Koss
el (100) surface. To describe such a system only two parameters are needed:
one parameter that describes the interaction between two bulk atoms and on
e parameter that describes the interaction between the mask and an adjacent
atom. If the latter interaction is significantly smaller than the first, t
he nucleation rate at the mask junction is higher than throughout the cryst
al surface, which induces the formation of a stepped facet at the junction,
which grows in time. An analytical expression for the misorientation of th
is facet is derived that agrees with the Monte Carlo simulations. The misor
ientation depends only on the interaction between the interface and the mas
k. The Si(111) surface is more complicated than the Kossel (100) surface. U
nderetching experiments have shown that a stepped facet is only formed for
an obtuse contact angle of the Si(I 11) surface with the mask. This can be
explained by comparing the topology of the mask junction for an obtuse and
an acute contact angle.