A new polarizable and flexible water potential has been developed based on
the multistate empirical valence bond (MS-EVB) method. The model adds a cha
rge-determination step to the simple point charge/flexible (SPC/F) potentia
l. Two models have been developed: one that is polarizable only along the p
rincipal axis, and another that is polarizable in both directions within th
e molecular plane. The two models give nearly identical radial distribution
functions (RDF) for the three site-site RDFs in water: oxygen-oxygen, oxyg
en-hydrogen, and hydrogen-hydrogen. The new model exhibits a liquid structu
re that is more ordered than SPC/F but is still well matched to experiment.
The gas-phase monomer and dimer properties of the polarizable models are m
uch closer to the experimental result than is SPC/F. Experimental condensed
phase properties, such as the bond angle, bond length, molecular dipole mo
ment, and total energy, are also reasonably well reproduced. The static die
lectric constant and self-diffusion constant of the model with two directio
ns of polarizability are also reasonably accurate. The MS-EVB method is sho
wn to provide a simple approach to including both polarizability and bond f
lexibility into a water potential.