Background: Partial plication annuloplasty is the main technique for congen
ital mitral insufficiency because this technique allows the mitral anulus t
o grow, in contrast to ring annuloplasty. However, this technique is not sa
tisfactory for mitral insufficiency with some anomalies of the mitral valve
Methods: Forty-one patients underwent partial plication annuloplasty for mi
tral regurgitation from July 1979 to December 1998. Mitral regurgitation as
sociated with an atrioventricular defect, an atrioventricular discordance,
and a univentricular heart was excluded from this study.
Results: There were no early or late deaths. In early results, partial plic
ation annuloplasty was more effective for mitral regurgitation with abnorma
lity of the posterior leaflet (n = 14) or normal leaflet motion (n = 8) tha
n with abnormality of the anterior leaflet and its apparatus (n = 14) or ab
sence of chordae (n = 4). The mean follow-up period was 145.8 months. Durin
g the follow-up period, 2 patients underwent mitral valve replacement, and
a third patient underwent mitral valve repair with partial plication annulo
plasty after the first repair. The main cause of mitral regurgitation of 2
of the 3 patients was absence of chordae. The actuarial freedom from reoper
ation rate was 94.9% +/- 3.6%, 91.9% +/- 4.7%, and 91.9% +/- 4.7% at 5, 10,
and 15 years after the operation, respectively.
Conclusion: Early and long-term results of partial plication annuloplasty w
ere acceptable for congenital mitral insufficiency with any type of malform
ation of the mitral valve, and results were excellent with abnormality of t
he posterior leaflet and its apparatus or normal leaflet motion. However, l
ate results were suboptimal for mitral regurgitation with absence of chorda
e. Other techniques, such as artificial chorda replacement, should be adapt
ed in these cases.