The present paper reports a numerical-experimental study on the dynamic beh
avior of a compression system based on a multistage centrifugal blower and
fitted with an innovative device for the dynamic suppression of surge insta
bility. The control device is of passive type and is based on the aeroelast
ic coupling of the basic compression system with a hydraulic oscillator. Th
e controlled system is modeled at first by using a nonlinear lumped paramet
er approach. The simulated system dynamics within a wide range of operating
conditions allows a parametric analysis to be performed and the optimal va
lues of the control parameters to be singled out. Such optimal values are t
hen used to design the hydraulic oscillator, which results in a technically
feasible and very simple configuration. Finally, experimental tests are ca
rried out on the compression plant with and without the passive control dev
ice, which demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control system in
suppressing surge instabilities, at least within the limits predicted by th
e numerical simulation.