A combined experimental and numerical program was carried out to improve th
e flow uniformity and periodicity in the NASA transonic flutter cascade. Th
e objectives of the program were to improve the periodicity of the cascade
and to resolve discrepancies between measured and computed flow incidence a
ngles and exit pressures. Previous experimental data and some of the discre
pancies with computations are discussed. In the present work surface pressu
re taps, boundary layer probes, shadowgraphs, and pressure-sensitive paints
were used to measure the effects of boundary layer bleed and tailboard set
tings on flowfield periodicity. These measurements are described in detail.
Two numerical methods were used to analyze the cascade. A multibody panel
code was used to analyze the entire cascade and a quasi-three-dimensional v
iscous code was used to analyze the isolated blades. The codes are describe
d and the results are compared to the measurements. The measurements and co
mputations both showed that the operation of the cascade was heavily depend
ent on the endwall configuration. The endwalls were redesigned to approxima
te the midpassage streamlines predicted using the viscous code, and the mea
surements were repeated. The results of the program were that: (1) Boundary
layer bleed does not improve the cascade flow periodicity. (2) Tunnel endw
alls must be shaped like predicted cascade streamlines. (3) The actual flow
, incidence must be measured for each cascade configuration rather than usi
ng the tunnel geometry. (4) The redesigned cascade exhibits excellent perio
dicity over six of the nine blades.