Mycoplasma sturni is a recently described organism previously associated wi
th conjunctivitis in European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), northern mockin
gbirds (Mimus polyglottos) and blue jays (Cyanocitta cristata). Herein we d
escribe the isolation of M. sturni from an American crow (Corvus brachyrhyn
chos) presenting with conjunctivitis. A nested-PCR was designed for identif
ication of M. sturni in clinical specimens and the sensitivity of the react
ion was found to be 10 colony-changing units. The organism was found in asy
mptomatic American crows caged vith a nestmate of the crow with conjunctivi
tis. Mycoplasma sturni also was found in asymptomatic American robins (Turd
us migratorius) and in a European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) housed at the
same facility as the crows. Heterogenity of M. sturni isolates from differ
ent host species was found by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analy
ses. Heterogeneity also was found among M. sturni isolates recovered from A
merican crows.
We suggest that M. sturni can successfully infect American crows and Americ
an robins with or without the presence of clinical disease. Furthermore, we
demonstrate that nested-PCR is an effective method for the detection of M.
sturni and that substantial genetic heterogeneity exists among natural iso
lates of this bacterial pathogen.