We address the wellknown problems introduced into the theory of fluids by d
ensity fluctuations in the form of van der Waals loops and nonclassical cri
tical phenomena. A clean separation of long and short range density fluctua
tions is achieved by use of cell-constrained models which display well-defi
ned van der Waals loops and classical behaviour around the critical point.
For a pure Lennard-Jones fluid with occupancy restricted to 1 or 8 particle
s per cell, the phase diagram is determined by Monte Carlo simulation. By c
onsidering the deviations from the normal simulations without cell constrai
nt, the effects of longer range density fluctuations are exposed. The syste
m size dependence of the van der Waals loops present in all simulations of
fluids is analyzed in terms of the GvdW free energy density functional theo
ry, which is formulated on the basis of the cell concept. The loops are fou
nd to gradually disappear either with greater cell occupancy or increasing
total particle number in the simulation box.