Combining pre-embedding parvalbumin immunostaining and post-embedding immun
ogold detection of GABA in the olfactory bulb, we investigated whether the
parvalbumin-containing GABAergic interneurons of the external plexiform lay
er exclusively innervate principal cells, or whether they also establish in
hibitory synapses upon GABAergic local neurons such as granule cells. Our r
esults demonstrate that the parvalbumin-containing cells do not contact GAB
Aergic interneurons in the neuropil of the external plexiform layer. On the
contrary, their postsynaptic elements were always non-GABAergic principal
cells. Although classically it has been accepted that the interneurons of t
he external plexiform layer could exert a disinhibitory action upon princip
al cells, via inhibition of GABAergic granule cells, we conclude that they
exert a feedback inhibitory action directly and exclusively upon principal
cells. NeuroReport 12:2553-2556 (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.